Bullish Hadoop Forecast Despite Spark Hype
Despite major market inroads being made by Apache Spark, a new forecast estimates the global market for the Hadoop big data framework will continue to grow at a healthy clip through 2021, fueled in...
View ArticleSteady Shift in Enterprise Workloads to Cloud
An estimated 41 percent of enterprise workloads are currently running in public and private clouds, a total that is expected to rise to 60 percent over the next two years as enterprise embrace hybrid...
View ArticleThe ‘Insight-Driven Business’: How to Become a Master of the Data Universe
Masters of the Data Universe: Uber, Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, Google. We know who they are. They hire genius data scientists who wrestle data into submission, building elite analytics superstructures...
View ArticleBringing Big Data and HPC Together
What does the intersection of big data and high performance computing look like? About 50 technology leaders from across industries got an exclusive glimpse during Tabor Communications’ inaugural LBD +...
View ArticleSeagate Seeks to Drive Down Flash Costs
The number of all-flash storage options continues to grow as datacenters burst at the seams and operators look for ways to connect legacy and flash storage while reducing cost. The latest entry comes...
View ArticleIBM-Nutanix Deal Moves Power Servers to Datacenters
Targeting AI, machine learning and other big data workloads, IBM and Nutanix will join forces to deliver the enterprise cloud vendor's software via Power servers. The deal is Nutanix's first non-Intel...
View ArticleData Unification: A New Path to Digital Transformation
You may be familiar with the cliché that data is the new oil and analytics is the combustion engines that will power enterprises to corporate nirvana with all manner of game-changing insights. But the...
View ArticleHow to Boost Confidence in Data Analytics
Ideally, data would be the foundation of every business decision: for optimizing operational processes, for analytical insights and for competitive advantage. But a recent TDWI survey exposes a very...
View ArticleMind the Gap: Coping with Big Data’s Big Costs
In an increasingly data-driven world, with flourishing data volumes and improvements to technological infrastructure, big data promises to benefit businesses in nearly every industry. A study conducted...
View ArticleFujitsu Builds Big Data Processor on Ceph
Addressing the growing need for speedier processing in big data storage systems that handle everything up to data analytics, Japan’s Fujitsu Laboratories has come up with a technology said to provide...
View ArticleExponential: Today and Tomorrow’s Expansive AI-Big Data-HPC Landscape
Jay Boisseau, Dell EMC’s chief HPC technology strategist, delivered an incisive keynote address at Tabor Communications’ Advanced Scale Forum this week. He covers too much ground to summarize his...
View ArticleThe Rush to 5G Begins, Driven by IoT
The number of 5G wireless connections is forecast to soar 150 percent over the next five years as infrastructure rollouts gather momentum for connecting sensors and other edge devices. The forecast...
View ArticleSecurity Threats Soar Along with Data Volumes
Lost data are costing organizations on average $1 million per month as data volumes soar and protecting stored data grows harder with the emergence of edge infrastructure handling AI and machine...
View ArticleArm’s Segars Unwraps ‘5th Gen’ Computing Vision
The simultaneous maturation of three technologies—AI, the Internet of Things and 5G wireless—are ushering in a data-driven 5th wave of computing underpinned by current cloud infrastructure, according...
View Article5 Things Developers Need to Know to Process Computer Vision Data
The demand for computer vision technologies is growing rapidly as companies employ new AI and automation strategies to stay competitive and provide an excellent customer experience. As the adoption of...
View ArticleHow AI Plus HPC Equals the Future of Advanced Analytics
Combining artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) can unlock the potential of each of these powerful analytics disciplines. This in turn can drive increased business agility,...
View ArticleXilinx Aims Its Newest Versal HBM Accelerators, Coming in 2022, at Big Data...
Just a month after unveiling its latest Versal AI Edge accelerators, FPGA maker Xilinx has announced its newest device family, the Versal HBM series, which includes fast memory, secure connectivity and...
View ArticleAI Bringing New Insights to the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo
You may not be noticing it much on your television, smartphone or tablet screens, but the TV coverage of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics (which of course are being held in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic)...
View ArticleAporia Tackles AI Trust with $25M Series A Round
Aporia, an observability platform for machine learning, has announced a $25 million Series A funding round, bringing its total funding to $30 million. With the ever-expanding use of AI for business...
View ArticleDataRobot CEO Sees Success at Junction of Gen AI and ‘Classical AI’
What’s the next generation of enterprise AI going to look like? If you ask DataRobot CEO Debanjan Saha, enterprises will see the most business benefits by combining new generative AI tools and...
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